Runs Of Madness — Nike Run Club Half Marathon Training Program 5 Weeks to Go

Anthony Maddalone
7 min readMar 18, 2024


Nike Run Club Half Marathon Training Plan Week 5 — MOVE AHEAD

5 Weeks to Go — Nice recovery run the way one should be.

Day 2 Speed Run — 90’s,an interval run even I could remember the sequence

Day 3 Recovery Run — Thank You, Nice paced mid week recovery run.

Day 4 Speed Run — Soeedurance, faded at the end but learned perspective on pacing.

Day 5 Long Run — 13.1K Dress Rehearsal, reinforced knowledge and perspective with a nice pace.

ChatGPT 3.5 in the voice of Kurt Vonnegut — Week 5 of the Nike Run Club Half Marathon Training Plan, aptly titled “Move Ahead,” takes runners through a series of runs that embody both challenge and reflection. Day 1’s recovery run sets the tone with a nice, easy jog — a refreshing way to kick off the week. Day 2 introduces speed with a nostalgic nod to the 90s, reminiscent of a sequence even I could recall. Day 3 offers a mid-week recovery run, a welcomed respite to maintain momentum. Day 4’s speed run, dubbed “Speedurance,” pushes boundaries and teaches valuable lessons in pacing, albeit with a slight fade towards the end. Finally, Day 5’s long run serves as a 13.1K dress rehearsal, solidifying knowledge and perspective while maintaining a steady pace. It’s a week marked by both physical exertion and mental fortitude — a journey toward progress and self-discovery on the road to the half marathon.

24.03.11 12:08


Day 1 Recovery Run

5 Weeks to Go — Solid recovery run. Loose throughout with a twinge or two of aches. Nice pace and planning of the route. Dress rehearsal week with to put my mind into the correct setting. Obviously the third time through with this plan is the charm and still learning and progressing on this race journey thing.

ChatGPT 3.5 in the voice of Kurt Vonnegut — A solid recovery run, a symphony of movement punctuated by the occasional twinge of ache, reminders of the body’s resilience. Loose throughout, yet guided by the careful choreography of pace and route — a dance of intentionality and mindfulness. A dress rehearsal week, a ritual to align the mind with the impending challenge, to inhabit the correct setting, to immerse oneself fully in the journey ahead. Ah, the third time through the plan — a charm indeed, a testament to the ceaseless quest for mastery, the perpetual cycle of learning and progressing along this winding road of the race journey. Onward, ever onward, with each step a revelation, each stride a step closer to the elusive horizon of achievement.

24.03.12 12:20

Day 2 Speed Run

90’s — Simple intervals to remember definitely my pace. Consistent through the 5ks. Middle 10k was my most disciplined. Best interval was the last mile pace one. Good to get in a speed workout and would definitely put this into a non training rotation. Stacked with Fitness+ Core, Yoga & Mindful Cooldown.

ChatGPT 3.5 in the voice of Kurt Vonnegut- Ah, the simplicity of 90's-style intervals, a nostalgic return to a pace remembered, a rhythm echoing through the corridors of time. Consistency reigns supreme across the 5Ks, each stride a testament to discipline and focus. The middle 10K, a paragon of restraint and resolve, the heart of the journey, beating steadily with the measured cadence of determination. And ah, the crowning jewel — the last mile pace interval — a crescendo of speed and strength, a triumph to cherish and savor. Indeed, a worthy addition to the non-training rotation, a cornerstone of fitness and fortitude. Stacked with Fitness+ Core, Yoga, and Mindful Cooldown — a harmonious symphony of movement and mindfulness, a holistic approach to wellness and well-being. In the grand tapestry of life, each interval a thread, each workout a brushstroke, weaving together the narrative of our journey, our pursuit of greatness.

24.03.14 12:02

Day 3 Recovery Run

Thank You — Thank You x 45 to Mother Nature for RWI 8 perfection. Good pace, little to no aches, immobility or pains. Base to Base route along the waterfront will surprisingly quick pace. Just need to keep the momentum and focus during the duration of this training program. Fitness+ Yoga and Mindful Cooldown.

ChatGPT 3.5 in the voice of Kurt Vonnegut- Ah, my dear friends, let us extend our gratitude to Mother Nature, that whimsical mistress of fate, for granting us the serenity of RWI 8 perfection. With a stride unencumbered by the burdens of aches and pains, we traverse the base-to-base route along the waterfront with surprising celerity. Let us maintain this momentum, this focus, throughout the duration of our training program. And in our pursuit of physical prowess, let us not forget the soothing balm of Fitness+ Yoga and the tranquil embrace of Mindful Cooldown. So it goes.

23.03.15 09:42

Day 4 Speed Run

SPEEDURANCE — #FastFriday good pace through the 10 minute tempo run the slowed below goal pace for the 5K pace intervals. Overall a little disappointed but the effort was there and I was on point with my tempo run pace. It is tough to run slower with discipline. Anywho have a mock 13.1 on Sunday for #SundayRunday

ChatGPT 3.5 in the voice of Kurt Vonnegut- Ah, the trials and tribulations of #FastFriday, where the pursuit of speed intertwines with the endurance of the soul. Though the tempo run graced us with its familiar cadence for a fleeting ten minutes, the subsequent 5K pace intervals faltered, straying from the path of our intended velocity. Yet, amidst the shadows of disappointment, let us not overlook the unwavering effort exerted, nor the precision maintained during the tempo run. Indeed, to run slower with discipline is a formidable task, one that tests the mettle of even the most seasoned runner. As we look ahead to the mock 13.1 on #SundayRunday, let us carry with us the lessons learned, fortified by the resilience of the human spirit. So it goes.

24.03.17 10:05

Day 5 Long Run

13.1K Dress Rehearsal -No glances at the devices and an awesome pace. If I’m able to run this for the race that would be fantabulous. Also, just in case there’s a loose kid or someone one their phone walking a furry one on the race day route I have that covered too. Excellent perspective and guidance for a #SundayRunday

ChatGPT 3.5 in the voice of Kurt Vonnegut- Ah, the 13.1K Dress Rehearsal, a symphony of motion orchestrated by the conductor of determination and the tempo of perseverance. In this grand performance, let us eschew glances at our devices, for our true compass lies within, guiding us with an awesome pace toward the finish line. If perchance I am able to replicate this rhythm come race day, oh, what a fantabulous feat it would be! And fear not the distractions along the route, for we shall navigate with excellent perspective and guidance, ensuring a harmonious #SundayRunday for all involved.

I try to draw on some wisdom fron the Ghost of Kurt in the ChatGPT machine, especially in form of a sentence from each daily run. As I lined up on the start line this “A dress rehearsal week, a ritual to align the mind with the impending challenge, to inhabit the correct setting, to immerse oneself fully in the journey ahead.” really put my mind into a good frame for the week. My first speed run was agood one and “The middle 10K, a paragon of restraint and resolve, the heart of the journey, beating steadily with the measured cadence of determination.” basically described me to a t during this workout. A mid week reminder of “Let us maintain this momentum, this focus, throughout the duration of our training program. “ was the perfect advice fior the “hump day” run. Coach Bennett alway mentioned how it harder to run slow than fast and “Indeed, to run slower with discipline is a formidable task, one that tests the mettle of even the most seasoned runner.” the Ghost of Kurt picked up on this too. Finally some words of wisdom “In this grand performance, let us eschew glances at our devices, for our true compass lies within, guiding us with an awesome pace toward the finish line.” hopefully I can trust my training and experiance to set a good pace and really enjpoy this half marathon.

